> 春节2024 > 过年前你会想什么英语作文




Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday. A few days before the Lunar New Year, we are busy preparing for the festive season. My family members are all actively involved in the preparations.

My mother is bustling around the kitchen, preparing a variety of delicious dishes. The aromas of dumplings, fish, and rice cakes fill the air, making everyone\'s mouth water. She is also meticulously cleaning the house, ensuring that our home is spotless for the New Year.

My father is busy shopping for new clothes and gifts. He wants us to look our best during the Spring Festival and also wants to offer presents to our relatives and friends. He spends hours comparing prices and quality, making sure that he gets the best deals.

My grandparents are busy making red couplets and hanging them on the door. They believe that the couplets will bring good luck and fortune to our family. They also decorate the house with red lanterns and paper cuttings, creating a festive atmosphere.

Meanwhile, my younger brother and I are helping with the preparations as well. We are cleaning our rooms and organizing our belongings. We are also excitedly making greeting cards for our loved ones, expressing our wishes for a prosperous year.

In summary, the days leading up to the Spring Festival are bustling with activity in my family. Each member plays a vital role in the preparations, ensuring that we have a joyful and prosperous celebration.


Dear Li Ming,

I heard that you are planning to go on vacation to the south during the Spring Festival. Here are a few suggestions and reasons why it would be a great idea:

1. Experience a different climate: The weather in the southern regions during the Spring Festival is generally mild and pleasant. It would be a nice change from the cold weather up north. You can enjoy the sunshine and feel the warmth on your skin, which will definitely be refreshing and rejuvenating.

2. Explore local traditions: Each region in China has its own unique traditions and customs during the Spring Festival. By visiting the south, you will have the opportunity to experience different cultural practices and celebrations. You can witness the vibrant dragon dances, taste special southern dishes, and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere.

3. Relax and recharge: Going on a vacation allows you to take a break from work and daily routines. It\'s a chance to relax and recharge your energy. The southern regions offer beautiful landscapes, such as stunning beaches or picturesque mountains, where you can unwind and enjoy nature. It will be a perfect opportunity to de-stress and come back with a fresh mindset.

I hope these suggestions and reasons have convinced you to go on your planned vacation to the south. Have a fantastic time and enjoy the Spring Festival in a different setting!

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Why do you like it?

Because it is a time of joy, family reunions, and cultural traditions. The Spring Festival holds a special place in my heart because it brings people together and creates a sense of unity and happiness.

During the Spring Festival, families gather to share meals, exchange gifts, and enjoy festive activities. It\'s a time when I can reunite with my loved ones, catch up on each other\'s lives, and strengthen bonds. The atmosphere is filled with laughter, warmth, and love, making it a truly special occasion.

Moreover, the Spring Festival is rich in cultural traditions. From the vibrant lion dances to the beautiful lantern festivals, there are numerous customs that add color and liveliness to the celebrations. These traditions not only connect us to our ancestors but also reflect the rich heritage of our country.

Additionally, I love the excitement and anticipation that comes with the Spring Festival. The preparations, such as cleaning the house, shopping for new clothes, and decorating with red ornaments, create a sense of anticipation and renewal. It\'s a time when everyone is in high spirits and looking forward to a fresh start in the new year.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time of happiness, cultural richness, and family togetherness. It brings joy and warmth to our lives, making it a celebration that I truly cherish.


Dear [Supervisor\'s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that with the Spring Festival approaching, I would like to request some annual leave.

I would like to take leave on [specific dates], which will allow me to return to my hometown and celebrate the Chinese New Year with my family. The Spring Festival is an important cultural holiday for us, and it holds great significance for our family to be together during this time.

I assure you that I will complete all pending tasks and ensure that my work is not affected by my absence. I will make sure to delegate any ongoing projects or responsibilities and provide any necessary documentation or instructions to my colleagues.

I understand that the timing of my leave request might coincide with a busy period for the company, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I am more than willing to discuss alternative arrangements or help in finding suitable solutions to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I believe that this time off will allow me to return to work with renewed energy and focus. If there are any further details or paperwork required for the leave application, please let me know, and I will provide them promptly.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Spring Festival preparations

A possible version:

During the Spring Festival preparations, my family and I engage in various activities to create a festive atmosphere. We decorate our house with red lanterns and paper cuttings, symbolizing good luck and happiness. We also make traditional Chinese dumplings together, which is not only a delicious meal but also a way to bond as a family. In addition, we put up spring couplets with auspicious phrases on our doors to invite good fortune in the coming year. These preparations fill our home with joy and anticipation for the upcoming celebrations.


Spring Festival is coming, and there are so many exciting things that I am going to do!

Firstly, I am going to spend quality time with my family. It is a tradition for us to gather during the Spring Festival and share meals, exchange gifts, and play games together. We bond over laughter, stories, and delicious food, creating unforgettable memories.

Secondly, I am going to participate in various festivities. From lion dances to firework displays, there are numerous cultural activities happening during the Spring Festival. I am eager to join in the celebrations, witness the colorful parades, and experience the lively atmosphere.

Lastly, I am going to make New Year\'s resolutions. The Spring Festival marks a new beginning, and it is a perfect time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the future. I plan to focus on personal growth, health, and accomplishing my ambitions. I believe that the spirit of the Spring Festival will motivate and inspire me to achieve my aspirations.

In conclusion, the upcoming Spring Festival fills me with excitement and anticipation. I am going to cherish moments with family, immerse myself in cultural festivities, and set positive intentions for the year ahead.



- Folk music: Traditional music that represents the culture and customs of a particular region or community.

- Folk hero: A person who is regarded as a legendary figure in a specific community or culture for their courage, achievements, or noble qualities.

- Folk dancer: Someone who performs traditional dances that are passed down through generations and showcase the cultural heritage of a specific group or region.

- Folk medicine: Traditional medical practices and remedies that have been used for generations within a particular community or culture.

- Folk kiln: A traditional kiln used for firing pottery or ceramics, typically associated with a specific region and its unique techniques.

- Folk toy: Traditional toys that are handmade and reflect the cultural heritage and creativity of a specific community or culture.

Expanding on the topic:

Understanding and appreciating different cultural customs and traditions is an excellent way to broaden our horizons and deepen our understanding of diverse cultures. Folk customs play a significant role in preserving a community\'s identity and passing down valuable knowledge from one generation to the next.

Folk music, for example, not only entertains but also serves as a window into the history and values of a society. By listening to folk music, we can gain insights into the emotions, stories, and aspirations of a specific culture. Similarly, folk heroes embody the virtues and struggles of a community, inspiring admiration and pride.

Folk dances and traditional costumes are not only visually captivating but also represent the unique identity and spirit of a region. The intricate steps and rhythmic movements convey the essence of a community\'s cultural heritage and provide a sense of belonging.

Furthermore, folk medicine and folk kilns demonstrate the ingenuity and wisdom accumulated over centuries. They reflect the close connection between nature, health, and craftsmanship. Folk toys, on the other hand, reflect the creativity and craftsmanship of a community, showcasing the artistic spirit and cultural values.

Learning about and embracing these folk customs and phrases enables us to appreciate the depth and richness of different cultures. It fosters mutual understanding, respect, and appreciation for our shared humanity.


Chinese New Year, being a greatly celebrated holiday in China, has lots of cultural activities people look forward to engaging in. Personally, during the Spring Festival, there are several things I would love to do.

First of all, I would like to spend quality time with my family. Family reunions are an essential part of the Spring Festival, and I cherish the opportunity to gather with my loved ones. We would sit around the table, enjoying a scrumptious feast and exchanging heartfelt wishes for the new year.

Secondly, I would like to immerse myself in the festive atmosphere. I would visit temples and join in the traditional customs and rituals. From the vibrant lion and dragon dances to the mesmerizing lantern festivals, I would embrace every moment and capture the essence of Chinese culture.

Moreover, I would participate in the tradition of giving red envelopes. It\'s a joyful practice where elders give red envelopes filled with money to younger family members and friends. This act symbolizes good luck, blessings, and the passing down of wealth and wishes for a prosperous year ahead.

Last but not least, I would set off fireworks and firecrackers. Lighting up the night sky with dazzling colors and sounds is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. The excitement and joy that comes with this tradition never fail to make my heart race with anticipation.

In conclusion, the Spring Festival offers a myriad of cultural activities and customs that I eagerly look forward to. From cherishing family bonds to embracing traditions and customs, I believe that celebrating the Chinese New Year is a truly enriching and memorable experience.


When it comes to Spring Festival Evening Party, there seem to be two main points: some people like watching it, while others have their reservations.

Those who enjoy the Spring Festival Evening Party appreciate it for its festive atmosphere and entertaining performances. It brings together some of the country\'s most talented singers, dancers, and actors, providing a platform for them to showcase their skills. The diverse program, including comedy, acrobatics, and traditional Chinese performances, caters to different tastes and ensures a dynamic and engaging show. Moreover, the evening is also filled with interactive games, lucky draws, and celebrity appearances, which create a sense of excitement and anticipation.

On the other hand, there are those who criticize the Spring Festival Evening Party for becoming too commercialized and losing its authenticity. They argue that the focus on flashy performances and celebrity culture has overshadowed traditional elements of the Spring Festival. Some viewers feel that the program lacks depth and cultural significance, as it tends to favor popular trends and entertainment value over meaningful content.

Nevertheless, the Spring Festival Evening Party continues to be a highly-anticipated event for many people, attracting millions of viewers each year. It serves as a platform to showcase the country\'s cultural achievements, celebrate the spirit of the Spring Festival, and unite people in joyful and festive celebrations.


Dear Tom,

How time flies. I\'m thrilled that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. In this letter, I would like to introduce the Spring Festival, the most significant holiday in China, and the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the celebrations.

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a time of joy and family reunions. It usually falls between January 21 and February 20. During this holiday, families gather to share meals, exchange gifts, and enjoy various activities. The festive atmosphere is enhanced by colorful decorations, such as red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets. The highlight of the Spring Festival is the iconic dragon and lion dances, where performers move in sync to the rhythm of drums and cymbals. The festival lasts for fifteen days, with each day carrying its unique traditions and customs.

Following the Spring Festival is the Lantern Festival, which takes place on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations. On this day, people of all ages gather to admire beautifully crafted lanterns, which come in various shapes and sizes. The lanterns depict traditional scenes